I was wondering if the interwikis could help wikipedians to focus on missing articles in the editions. Let me explain
If an article has several interwikis, this might be an "indication" that this lemma is valid. So my idea is to produce lists of articles that follow this attributes:
* A list of English articles that do have x > {2,3,..} interwikis but don't have an interwiki to de. * A list of French articles that do have x > {2,3,..} interwikis but don't have an interwiki to de.
and so on.
There are (imho) three possible main solutions for coming into that list:
* The article is still missing in de.wikipedia (fix: Write that article) * The article existis but is not linked (fix: set up that interwiki) * The article is split up for disambiguation
Is there an efficient way to produce that lists? Are there objections to that thought? Does anyone think that there are easier ways to achieve that result of bringing the editions closer to each other?