Hey folks,
We were way overdue for an update, so we just put one together. In the last 3 months, we added new language support for Bengali, Greek, and Tamil. New advance edit quality support for Albanian and Romanian. We cleaned up the old 'reverted' models where better support is available. We're working on moving to a new dedicated cluster. We improved some models by exploring new sources of signal and cleaning datasets. We started work on JADE and presented on The Keilana Effect at Wikimania.
Read more on our blog https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/phame/post/view/77/status_update_october_6...
On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Aaron Halfaker aaron.halfaker@gmail.com wrote:
Hey folks,
I'll be starting to post updates here on our new blog[1], but if you'd prefer to be notified via the mailing lists we used to post to, that's OK. I'll make sure that the highlights and the link to these posts gets pushed there too.
We had a big presence at the Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 in Vienna. We kicked off a lot of new language focused collaborations (Greek, Tamil, Bengali) and we deployed a new Item Quality model for Wikidata.
French and Finnish Wikipedias now have advance edit quality prediction support!
ORES is available through api.php again via rvprop=orescores and rcprop=oresscores.
Wiki labels now has a new stats reporting interface. Check out https://labels.wmflabs.org/stats
We had a major hiccup when failing over to CODFW, but we worked it out and ORES is very happy again.
See more details on our new blog: "Score all the things" https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/phame/blog/view/8/
-Aaron Principal Research Scientist @ WMF Head of the Scoring Platform team