Hello all,
I just wanted to announce that SCaLE[0] has announced their Birds of a Feather schedule[1], and there's going to be a MediaWiki-related one! I intended mostly to have it be about extensions, gadgets, and modules, but if you want to come and talk about core development you're very welcome too. The conference is being held at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, CA, and it's relatively affordable to come into the conference. Even more so for students, who get half off the base price. I hope you can make it!
The BoF session is on Saturday at 19:00, in the "Century CD" room.
(and if you're interested, I'm also hosting an Etherpad Lite BoF at 21:00 in the "Los Angeles B" room)
[0] https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale11x [1] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AkLumNSkddf_dHRMVnhjZmxJTWdFT0N...