If you are a user of cloud-vps, please visit the following page and mark any projects that are still in use:
There are currently 95 unmarked projects on that page; any that remain unclaimed will be deemed abandoned and subject to shutdown in June.
I'm attaching the names of those 95 projects at the end of this email. If you see something on that list that you know to be important, please make a note on the wiki page (even if you are not an admin) so we know that somebody cares.
Unclaimed projects as of 2024-05-24:
adiutor automation-framework baglama2 canasta2_test capacity-exchange citefix clouddb-services codereview commons-corruption-checker download duct dump-references-processor entity-detection etytree extdist foundationmemory gitlab-test glamwikidashboard gratitude hoiscript huggle huwiki-dev idm-dev image-suggestion-api imagebulk impactvisualizer integration ipoidopensearch isa k8splay language ldap-dev linkwatcher lta-tracker lutz machine-learning maps-experiments math matrix media-streaming mediawiki-vagrant mix-n-match mwcli mwoffliner mwv-apt onfire openvas packaging petscan pixel policy-test-project puppet-dev rcm reading-web-staging schematreerecommender search security-tools service shiny-r signwriting spi-tools sre-sandbox sso superset text-to-speech teyora tf-infra-test traffic video videocuttool visualeditor vuessr wcdo webperf wikibase-registry wikicite wikicommunityhealth wikidata-dev wikidata-history-query-service wikidata-query wikidocumentaries wikidumpparse wikifunctions wikilabels wikimania-mautic wikipathways wikispeech wikitextexp wildcat wm-bot wmcs-uptime wmcz-stats wmde-dashboards wmdeanalytics wmf-dumps-playground