Seeing that I appear to be around, I have been asked about results from the
It appears I am here, but I am not really :-) I was here just for the night, and went back in the car for the ocean about 2 hours ago (well, that was my schedule anyway :-))
I'll be back from holidays on the 22nd. Offline till then.
I will publish aggregated results (anonymised when necessary) in the next few days, and *hope* that we can have some comments by all editors on them.
A few people have not answered yet, but usually gave their opinion offline. They still have a week to give more information.
I think the board will try to plan a meeting that last week of august or very soon after (in hope that Angela will not decide to go on holidays in turn), so we can take together a decision with regards to using money or not on development issues, and if so, how and for which tasks.
In all cases, I would like to thank all developers for their work in the past years.
I have been on Wikipedia for 2 years and a half now, and I have some memories of my first months . My first memories were Brion (somewhere in april or may 2002) and Magnus (and others as well, some are now gone). I remember phase I on en, then the switch to phase II and the helpful new features. I remember translating the interface to switch fr for phase II (it was never used), then the switch for phase III and little by little switch for the international wikipedias, where Brion helped so much. I remember when Erik Zachte set all the statistical pages. Most helpful for press releases. And new people join and bring their help, some appear now to have always been here. Some features which seem so standard now, did not exist at all before :-) Perhaps do we tend to forget it :-)
I think that for most people, and except for a few developers, what developers do is quite mysterious. Some tasks are visible, while others are invisible. It was very interesting for me to come to understand more on what each of you have been focusing on, and I think this should be more visible to anyone. I hope we can do this. Most contributions of editors are displayed on their user pages, visible through links or in article history. This is not such for you.
I think how you contribute should be listed somewhere (it will also help communication between you and editors or newbies developers) and visible in release notes.
Anyway, thank you to all of you for your work and for your answers.
PS : one day, could we set the article counter again ? :-)
Ant goes jump in the ocean