Forwarding info about an opportunity to intern in product management with Wikidata and the good people at Wikimedia Deutschland.
Pine ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Lydia Pintscher" Date: Mar 24, 2016 07:24 Subject: [Wikidata] internship opening: product management at WMDE To: "Discussion list for the Wikidata project." <> Cc:
Hey folks :)
I am looking for someone to support me me with my product management work at WMDE as an intern. If you'd love to work with me and the rest of the team, love Wikidata and want to learn, this might be the thing for you. More details are here:
Cheers Lydia
On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Pine W wrote:
Forwarding info about an opportunity to intern in product management with Wikidata and the good people at Wikimedia Deutschland.
Thanks for spreading the word, Pine!
I think it's worth drawing attention to the first bullet point in the role description:
* [...] enrolled as a Bachelor or Master student at a German university or college or qualified for working in Germany as an ERASMUS program student.