Hi, when I try to install my wiki at
I receive this message *****
Multiple Choices
The document name you requested (|/config/index.php|) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.
Available documents:
* /config/index.html http://www.ars-vita-italica.com/config/index.html (common basename)
Please consider informing the owner of the referring page http://www.ars-vita-italica.com/ about the broken link.
But: index.php IS there.
Yesterday evening I made some trials and when I modify the directory name "config" to "conf" and insert the direct address
Mediawiki installs, but afterwards it tries to access the Main_Page on
and of course: this cannot work
Is there someone who had the same experience? What can I do about this?
Thank you!
Ciao, Sabine
Not cutting anything as I did not find an answer ...
Now I installed the wiki here: *http://wesolveitnet.com/arsvitaitalica/index.php?title=Main_Page
starting the installation from the root directory and not where http://www.ars-vita-italica.com points to works ... strange ...
now when entering the domain how it should be: http://www.ars-vita-italica.com I receive the following line: http://ars-vita-italica.com/arsvitaitalica/index.php?title=Main_Page
when I amend this manually to: http://ars-vita-italica.com/index.php?title=Main_Page I receive a page that shows the contents of mediawiki, but not the layout ...
now I think the clue to all this is somewhere in local settings - but where? sorry, I am not a programmer nor do I normally modify manually things I don't know enough about. So my question: how can I set up the wiki definitely in order to have ars-vita-italica.com pointing to the main page possibly without ever seeing the wesolveitnet.com domain (which is a domain used for a translator's portal)?
Ciao, Sabine * Sabine Cretella wrote:
Hi, when I try to install my wiki at
I receive this message
Multiple Choices
The document name you requested (|/config/index.php|) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.
Available documents:
- /config/index.html http://www.ars-vita-italica.com/config/index.html (common
Please consider informing the owner of the referring page http://www.ars-vita-italica.com/ about the broken link.
But: index.php IS there.
Yesterday evening I made some trials and when I modify the directory name "config" to "conf" and insert the direct address
Mediawiki installs, but afterwards it tries to access the Main_Page on
and of course: this cannot work
Is there someone who had the same experience? What can I do about this?
Thank you!
Ciao, Sabine