Hi Community Metrics team,
This is your automatic monthly Phabricator statistics mail.
Accounts created in (2020-07): 316 Active Maniphest users (any activity) in (2020-07): 1068 Task authors in (2020-07): 569 Users who have closed tasks in (2020-07): 317
Projects which had at least one task moved from one column to another on their workboard in (2020-07): 326
Tasks created in (2020-07): 2574 Tasks closed in (2020-07): 2174 Open and stalled tasks in total: 45187 * Only open tasks in total: 44186 * Only stalled tasks in total: 1001
Median age in days of open tasks by priority:
Unbreak now: 18 Needs Triage: 567 High: 933 Normal: 1267 Low: 1821 Lowest: 1839
(How long tasks have been open, not how long they have had that priority)
Active Differential users (any activity) in (2020-07): 8
To see the names of the most active task authors: * Go to https://wikimedia.biterg.io/ * Choose "Phabricator > Overview" from the top bar * Adjust the time frame in the upper right corner to your needs * See the author names in the "Submitters" panel
TODO: Numbers which refer to closed tasks might not be correct, as described in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T1003 .
Yours sincerely, Fab Rick Aytor
(via community_metrics.sh on phab1001 at Sat 01 Aug 2020 12:00:22 AM UTC)
Hello, I'm confused why I got this same mail twice, from same mailing list? See screenshot on this URL: https://snipboard.io/20IEMR.jpg
Best regards, Zoran Dori volunteer, Wikimedia Serbia s: kizule.xyz e: zorandori4444@gmail.com
*Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share inthe sum of all knowledge.*
On Sun, 2020-08-02 at 01:03 +0200, Zoran Dori wrote:
Hello, I'm confused why I got this same mail twice, from same mailing list?
See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T258371
See screenshot on this URL: https://snipboard.io/20IEMR.jpg
To exclude problems with local mail client configuration / personal filters it's best to check the online archives instead: https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2020-August/thread.html
Cheers, andre
Hello Andre, thanks for responding and creating task.
I've checked online archive firstly, before sending this mail.
Best regards, Zoran Dori volunteer, Wikimedia Serbia s: kizule.tk e: zorandori4444@gmail.com
*Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share inthe sum of all knowledge.*
confused why I got this same mail twice,
There was a duplicate cron job. Sorry about that. Should be fixed now.