Well, we've had the search engine on for about a day, and so far things seem good. Load on the database server is still fairly light; it's got a lot of idle time and I've never seen the load average peak over 1.0.
I've just made some fixes to the search so it should try to match all given search terms by default, which is what most people expect (google has trained them well!) and it should do a better job of highlighting search terms in the results than it was doing. It's still not perfect though... I'd particularly appreciate feedback from people using non-Latin scripts (Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, Cyrillic, and the Indic scripts) as to how well it can find things.
Note that the "go" button is usually the default if you hit enter in the search field and "go" is very idiosyncratic, often sending people to insanely unrelated pages. That also needs to be fixed up.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)