2010/12/6, wikitech-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org wikitech-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org:
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 18:50:45 +1100 From: Andrew Dunbar hippytrail@gmail.com
Could anybody help me locate a dump of mediawiki.org while the dump server is broken please? I only need current revisions.
Use your Google-fu; there are some dumps available at various locations on the internet (archive.org, Pirate Bay).
What is perhaps more important: can the checksums be made available somewhere while the dump server is down? That way, we can verify the dumps we must now fetch from untrusted sources.
I hope the dump server goes back online soon, I need the SQL dumps for research into link mining...
Regards, Lars Buitinck