Hi everyone.
PS : I must mention that we are currently stuck in a rather ridiculous situation. The french squids needs some RAM... this RAM can only be purchased in a few websites... which refuse american credit cards... so we are currently trying to have it bought by the german association... which legally is not really authorized to do this... so, either the french association quickly has cash to pay for such expenses, or the foundation should have a credit card in europe to take care of such matters... opinion ?
We have cash, a few people made promises of donations (what kind of figures are we talking about, btw? 50? 500? 5000? 50000?) . But we don't yet have a bank account, and we won't have credit card, I think - checks only.
So either we have the bank account fast and can pay via checks, or someone provides money and hopes to be refunded by the association...
Nicolas Weege
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Nicolas Weeger wrote:
We have cash, a few people made promises of donations (what kind of figures are we talking about, btw? 50€? 500€? 5000€? 50000€?) . But we don't yet have a bank account, and we won't have credit card, I think - checks only.
May I inquire why we won't have a credit card?
So either we have the bank account fast and can pay via checks, or someone provides money and hopes to be refunded by the association...
I totally recommend against this. Direct experience shows me that this way you *never* get refunded.