- I wnated to get it fixed up last week, but I had an important talk to give, and my harddrive crashed, and I got a PowerBook, which together turned out to be rather distracting ;-)
Problems include, but are not limited to:
- In various places it tries to load metadata for *every* revision of
the page. This would be fatal on the actual Wikipedia, where there are pages with tens of thousands of revisions. There are likely other severe performance and scalability issues with it.
Yup. It's still in my famous "OK-it-kinda-works-now-we-wait" stage.
- The 'management' interface for defining survey options is not locked
off properly, and is very hard to use if you do get to it.
I wan't sure who should get access to it. It is a single line in the code where to limit access. For it being "hard to use", it basically is used *once* to set up topics, and then not at all (ideally) or very sparsly (to add/delete topics). I don't see that as a reason to keep it "in limbo".
- Lack of HTML-safety on the UI interface: as a quick hack I added
htmlspecialchars() guards, but things really should be changed to use wikitext where appropriate; several of the UI messages are currently displaying raw HTML tags.
Well, they didn't show that raw HTML when I checked 'em in. I'm pretty sure of that one. I'll see if I can fix that.
If anybody would like to work on it further that would be spiffy; otherwise it will remain in limbo indefinitely.
I should have some time during this week, although I'll have to setup mysql/apache/yadayada on my new HDD.
Anyway, we can turn this on with a few days (weeks?) delay, just in case. No need to rush, at least not a technical one ;-)