Surprisingly, some of the Wikipedias where upgraded to Version 1.3 beta 1 with the new skin. As I suspected, this skin does not support right-to-left (RTL) languages correctly. Though I kept warning on this issue, it was disregarded.
The result is that currently the Hebrew ( and Arabic ( Wikipedias are not usesable! The version should be reversed ASAP !!!
Both me and the other Hebrew and Arabic wikipedians would be happy to help debuging the new skin and version but it is not acceptable to update the live site version without ANY proper tests!
We have long list of bugs that I would be happy to translate to English when it will be needed. But, for now, install the old version that worked fine.
Meir :-(
Meir Mendelovich wrote:
Both me and the other Hebrew and Arabic wikipedians would be happy to help debuging the new skin and version but it is not acceptable to update the live site version without ANY proper tests!
We've been testing it in public for weeks (eg, Please, *please* provide specific information about what is wrong (preferably including screenshots) and please *please* say which web browser and what version you are using.
We have long list of bugs that I would be happy to translate to English when it will be needed. But, for now, install the old version that worked fine.
Sorry, no. Then we'll be back to the previous state where nobody's interested in working out the bugs.
-- brion vibber (brion @
Brion Vibber writes:
We've been testing it in public for weeks (eg,
I didn't saw an announcement on wikide-l.
Please, *please* provide specific information about what is wrong (preferably including screenshots) and please *please* say which web browser and what version you are using.
No. Firstly, switch back to the previous version. Secondly, announce to the writers list, a software upgrade/update is file for 2004-06-15 (or something like that). Then I would happily report bug and problems.
Sorry, no. Then we'll be back to the previous state where nobody's interested in working out the bugs.
The switch to xhtml I appreciate a lot! But why on earth did someone change existing CSS stylesheets? Even if they were buggy we were used to them!
On May 28, 2004, at 3:44 PM, Karl Eichwalder wrote:
No. Firstly, switch back to the previous version. Secondly, announce to the writers list, a software upgrade/update is file for 2004-06-15 (or something like that). Then I would happily report bug and problems.
Giving orders like that probably won't get you far with unpaid volunteers....
The switch to xhtml I appreciate a lot! But why on earth did someone change existing CSS stylesheets? Even if they were buggy we were used to them!
I can't even begin to formulate everything that is wrong with that statement, but ill try. bugs are ok because you are used to them? what about new-comers? or people that aren't used to them? or just in general things working like they are supposed to? is there something wrong with that?
--- Karl Eichwalder wrote: >
I didn't saw an announcement on wikide-l.
I'm sorry you missed the announcement. It was made on May 21st on meta ( and on Foundation-l (
The language specific lists are rarely used for project-wide announcements. If you do not want to subscribe to the project-wide list as well, perhaps you could talk the members of the German embassy (Head, Fantasy and Fire) into relaying these messages to Wikide-l.
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Angela writes:
thanks for the answer. you raised some valid points.
The language specific lists are rarely used for project-wide announcements.
If it's just me it would be enough to announce things like this to wikipedia-l.
My fault was blaming developers for project management issues; I should have known better.
Karl Eichwalder schrieb:
Please, *please* provide specific information about what is wrong (preferably including screenshots) and please *please* say which web browser and what version you are using.
No. Firstly, switch back to the previous version. Secondly, announce to the writers list, a software upgrade/update is file for 2004-06-15
I think we are beyond a reasonable point of return. The system has improved much since the first minutes after the updates and I'm now finished with getting used to it.
It was hard to neglect the change on meta and all the test cases during the last weeks, including gwickes great work on monobook so I think there was enough time to justify changing a slightly bigger wikipedia installation, such as de. or en.. The latter should be used as guinea-pigs^w^wfeedback-providing crowd of volunteers as well :)
I'd like to say I am not happy we have been upgraded so soon. We have many problems, and the upgrade took place even though some bugs were mentionned on meta.
This morning, I still have blank pages, cut pages, errors.
I edited only 3 pages today About once every two times, the edit page appears blank and has to be reloaded. Sometimes, the article itself appears not complete. Only some sections are displayed.
And as usual, I am under Mac Netscape 7.02.
I feel like we have been used as beta testers.
And please, remove the real name info box. Please.
Meir Mendelovich wrote:
Surprisingly, some of the Wikipedias where upgraded to Version 1.3 beta 1 with the new skin. As I suspected, this skin does not support right-to-left (RTL) languages correctly. Though I kept warning on this issue, it was disregarded.
The result is that currently the Hebrew ( and Arabic ( Wikipedias are not usesable! The version should be reversed ASAP !!!
Both me and the other Hebrew and Arabic wikipedians would be happy to help debuging the new skin and version but it is not acceptable to update the live site version without ANY proper tests!
We have long list of bugs that I would be happy to translate to English when it will be needed. But, for now, install the old version that worked fine.
Meir :-(
To be specific
When I edit Roby user page
Here is what I get at the top
There were serious xhtml markup errors detected by tidy.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html><head><title>test</title></head><body></body></html>
Meaning ?
Anthere wrote:
I'd like to say I am not happy we have been upgraded so soon. We have many problems, and the upgrade took place even though some bugs were mentionned on meta.
This morning, I still have blank pages, cut pages, errors.
I edited only 3 pages today About once every two times, the edit page appears blank and has to be reloaded. Sometimes, the article itself appears not complete. Only some sections are displayed.
And as usual, I am under Mac Netscape 7.02.
I feel like we have been used as beta testers.
And please, remove the real name info box. Please.
Meir Mendelovich wrote:
Surprisingly, some of the Wikipedias where upgraded to Version 1.3 beta 1 with the new skin. As I suspected, this skin does not support right-to-left (RTL) languages correctly. Though I kept warning on this issue, it was disregarded.
The result is that currently the Hebrew ( and Arabic ( Wikipedias are not usesable! The version should be reversed ASAP !!!
Both me and the other Hebrew and Arabic wikipedians would be happy to help debuging the new skin and version but it is not acceptable to update the live site version without ANY proper tests!
We have long list of bugs that I would be happy to translate to English when it will be needed. But, for now, install the old version that worked fine.
Meir :-(
And the VISIBLE content of
this page is
There were serious xhtml markup errors detected by tidy.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html><head><title>test</title></head><body><div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[<a href="/w/wiki.phtml?title=Discussion_Wikip%C3%A9dia:Statuts_pour_une_association_en_France&action=edit&section=1" title ="Discussion Wikipédia:Statuts pour une association en France">modifier</a>]</div><a name="Looxix"></a><h3> Looxix </h3> <ul><li> "Les références à WF Inc. comme destinataire éventuelle des fonds ont été supprimées, il faut évaluer leur conséquence comptable et fiscale d’abord." <ul><li>d'accord (je m'y connait absolument pas en compta/fisca); mais je pense qu'il est important d'avoir une idée générale plus ou moins précise sur la façon dont les fonds pourraient être dépensé. </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li> même chose au sujet du montant des contisations; même si ça ne doit pas être mentionné dans le statuts, il faudrait avoir une idée, une fourchette, au sujet de ce montant. </li></ul> <ul><li> "(les) non adhérents (de WIKIMÉDIA FRANÇAISE,) peuvent s’exprimer à titre consultatif" <ul><li> pour moi, cela veut dire que cette association ne se veut pas représentative des utilisateurs des sites wikipédia fancophones. </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li> "... qui se sont vus conférer, à quelque titre que ce soit, des droits techniques relevant habituellement des prérogatives ou des missions d’un administrateur système" <ul><li> àma cela ne veut rien dire si on ne défini pas ce que c'est un administateur système (par exemple est-ce que les <em>admins</em> sont des administrateurs système ? </li><li> pourquoi faire cette distinction ? </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li> "au plus tard deux mois avant la date de début d’une assemblée générale" <ul><li> heuuu, on est un wiki, à l'ère internet et au XXe siècle; c'est bcp trop long àma </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li> "élus pour trois (3) années" <ul><li> bcp, bcp trop long àma </li></ul> </li></ul> </body></html>
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Dernière modification de cette page : 29 mai 2004 à 01:27. Le contenu est disponible selon les termes de la licence GNU Free Documentation License.
I know not if I am the only one to see this instead of article. But this is not exactly an encyclopedia any more :-)
"A" == Anthere writes:
A> And please, remove the real name info box. Please.
I've just checked in code that allows a sysadmin to disable the real name user interface. I didn't muck with making the database field optional, since I figured a blank field won't hurt much, and trying to optionalize that would just be too hairy.
The configuration variable is $wgAllowRealName, and defaults to true. Someone's going to have to set it to false for those projects that don't want real names. Frankly, I'm not well-enough versed in Wikimedia politics to know how these decisions are made, so I didn't want to do it unilaterally based on feedback on this list.
I haven't changed the code in the credits block and RDF showing real names. I figure that's lower priority, but I'll try to get to it today.