One more variable is needed for Polish Wikipedia: genetive form of name of month.
For dates like `1 stycznia' (1st of January) in Polish language genetive is used.
Names in genetive are (modulo ASCII-zation of diactrics): stycznia lutego marca kwietnia maja czerwca lipca sierpnia wrzes'nia paz'dziernika listopada grudnia
On sab, 2003-02-15 at 11:33, Tomasz Wegrzanowski wrote:
One more variable is needed for Polish Wikipedia: genetive form of name of month.
On that note; I'd like to generalize a few things like all the appearences of "Wikipedia" into their own LocalSettings-able variables so that people using PediaWiki for other sites (or even our own Wiktionary) don't have to go through quite so much search-and-replacing rigamarole.
What grammatical forms need to be available for various languages, just so we can keep naming consistent? Ie something like:
en: $wgSiteName = "Wikipedia";
pl: $wgSiteName = "Wikipedia"; $wgSiteNameGen = "Wikipedii"; # ??? # ...??
eo: $wgSiteName = "Vikipedio"; $wgSiteNameAcc = "Vikipedion";
-- brion vibber (brion @
On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 11:54:26AM -0800, Brion Vibber wrote:
pl: $wgSiteName = "Wikipedia"; $wgSiteNameGen = "Wikipedii";
$wgSiteNameDat = "Wikipedii"; $wgSiteNameAcc = "Wikipedie,"; $wgSiteNameIns = "Wikipedia,"; $wgSiteNameLoc = "Wikipedii";
modulo diactrics.
Endings exactly as described in in table for "komedia".