Last Friday Zhengzhu said to me that community at sr: should decide very fast (in one week) about implementation of his work on new Serbian interface which implements all standards of Serbian language. As it is too fast for voting on sr.wikipedia and as almost every Saturday at 20h (8pm) CET people from sr: have online meetings at #wikipedia-sr channel (Freenode network), I announced that we should talk about implementation of Zhengzhu's work there. Also, I saw that Angela is online and I called her to join us.
At 20h CET there were 8 sr: contributors, Zhengzhu and Angela at the channel. (I'll list sr: contributor down.) Before 20h one more user was online, but he had problems with Internet connection because of rain in France, one more didn't come because he was running at Belgrade Marathon. One more contributor came during the talk with Zhengzhu. After talk with Zhengzhu two more contributors came and participate in decision making. I asked other 3 more very active contributors about their opinion after that talk and I can guess (according to his writing at vilage pump) opinion for the last very active contributor. All of that will be explained in the rest of the message.
We were talking about one hour and half with Zhengzhu and some parts of his work became more clear to us. Another hour was passed until we articulated questions for voting and made decisions.
We had two questions: (a) To implement or not Cyrillic-Latin conversion at sr: and how to implement; and (b) to implement or not Ekavian-Iyekavian conversion at sr: and when.
a) According do possible solutions, we articulated for oppinions for the first question:
1. Not to implement Cyrillic-Latin conversion.
2. To have mixed Cyrillic and Latin wiki source. This solution is implemented on Chinese Wikipedia, but it is very strange for Serbian speakers: only bibliography and foreign names can be mixed in one text.
3. To have read-write Cyrillic and read-only Latin pages.
4. To have read-write for both Cyrillics and Latin. This oppinion had one note: If it is not possible to implement, we should use oppinion 3 as temporary solution, until complete 4 is possible. This solution also means that I can continue to talk with Zhengzhu about implementation.
Voting result was (order is: IRC nickname, user account at sr:, oppinion):
bonzo, [[sr:User:Bonzo]], 4 djordjes, [[sr:User:Djordjes]], 4 domatrios, [[sr:User:Domatrios]], 3 dzivdzan, [[sr:User:Dzivdzan]], 4 Dzordzm, [[sr:User:Dzordzm]], 4 kaster, [[sr:User:Kaster]], 3 Milan^Tesovic, [[sr:User:Милант]], 2 millosh, [[sr:User:Милош]], 4 Pokrajac, [[sr:User:Покрајац]], 4 Sasa^Stefanovic, [[sr:User:Саша.Стефановић]], 4 VKokielov, [[sr:User:ВКокијелов]], 4
Other active contributors, which I asked after the voting, said: [[sr:User:Ninam]], 3 [[sr:User:Горан Анђелковић]], 4 (he was disconnected before Zhengzhu came) [[sr:User:Обрадовић Горан]], 4 (he was running on Belgrade Marathon)
Other active contributors for which I can just guess what do they think: [[sr:User:Golija]], probably 4, maybe 3 (he was urged for introduction of Latin alphabet on the vilage pump at sr:) [[sr:User:Влада]], maybe 1, maybe 3 (he doesn't like Latin, as I think) [[sr:User:Ivan]], I don't know
This is the list of all very active users. Actualy, I think that contributors User:Domatrios, User:ВКокијелов and User:Ivan are not "very active" according to March statistics, but they are active part of community at sr:.
Results are:
A) According to voting on IRC: - oppinion 1 - 0 votes - oppinion 2 - 1 vote - oppinion 3 - 2 votes - oppinion 4 - 8 votes
B) According to all clear votes: - oppinion 1 - 0 votes - oppinion 2 - 1 vote - oppinion 3 - 3 votes - oppinion 4 - 10 votes
C) According to some possible votes: - oppinion 1 - between 0 and 1 votes - oppinion 2 - 1 vote - oppinion 3 - between 3 and 5 votes - oppinion 4 - between 10 and 11 votes
As oppinion 4 has clear majority, at least 10:6 against all other oppinions, community decided to introduce read-write Cyrillic-Latin conversion.
b) The second question was: to implement or not Ekavian-Iyekavian conversion. Some people had some reserves not to implementation, but to the time of implementation. So, they introduced two suboppinions inside of oppinion for implementation. Oppinions was:
1.a - To implement Ekavian-Iyekavian conversion now.
1.b - To implement Ekavian-Iyekavian conversion after the implementation of Cyrillic-Latin conversion.
2. - Not to implement Ekavian-Iyekavian conversion.
Voting result was (order is: IRC nickname, user account at sr:, oppinion):
bonzo, [[sr:User:Bonzo]], 1.a djordjes, [[sr:User:Djordjes]], 1.a domatrios, [[sr:User:Domatrios]], 2 Dzordzm, [[sr:User:Dzordzm]], 1.a kaster, [[sr:User:Kaster]], 1.b Milan^Tesovic, [[sr:User:Милант]], 2 millosh, [[sr:User:Милош]], 1.a Pokrajac, [[sr:User:Покрајац]], 1.a Sasa^Stefanovic, [[sr:User:Саша.Стефановић]], 1.a VKokielov, [[sr:User:ВКокијелов]], 1.b
Before we articulated question, User:Dzivdzan left the room. As she said that she is for implementation before she left, but, also, she had some reserves to that implementation, her voice is assumed as 1.b (dzivdzan, [[sr:User:Dzivdzan]], 1.b)
Other active contributors, which I asked after the voting, said: [[sr:User:Ninam]], 1.a [[sr:User:Горан Анђелковић]], 1.a (he was disconnected before Zhengzhu came) [[sr:User:Обрадовић Горан]], 1.a (he was running on Belgrade Marathon)
Other active contributors for which I can just guess what do they think: [[sr:User:Golija]], I don't know [[sr:User:Влада]], I don't know [[sr:User:Ivan]], I don't know
Results are:
A) According to voting on IRC: - oppinion 1.a - 6 votes - oppinion 1.b - 3 votes - oppinion 2 - 2 votes
B) According to all clear votes: - oppinion 1.a - 9 votes - oppinion 1.b - 3 votes - oppinion 2 - 2 votes
As oppinion 1.a has absolute majority, at least 6:5 against all other oppinions, we will continue with implementation of Ekavian-Iyekavian conversion together with implementation of Cyrillic-Latin conversion.
IRC logs can be found at:
The first three parts in Serbian: (1) (2) and (3)
The fourth part is in English, after we called Angela to see results:
Next steps
Today Zhengzhu and me were talking about implementation. He said that it is not so easy to implement our solution (because it has some differences with Chinese implementation) and that we should wait until June. Also, Zhengzhu and me agreed that I (and probably sr:User:Kaster) can continue with implementation of Serbian interface in MediaWiki. At least for the first time, Zhengzhu will check our code before it's implementation into CVS tree.
(And spell checker on Gmail doesn't work now :) )
On 4/25/05, Milos Rancic wrote:
Last Friday Zhengzhu said to me that community at sr: should decide very fast (in one week) about implementation of his work on new Serbian interface which implements all standards of Serbian language.
I should add that this was prompted by Brion's plan on releasing 1.5.