I recently found the idea of
* "lazy rendering" (of tables, images, media objects)
Has application of lazy load techniques ever been considered for MediaWiki pages?
Here are some pointers:
* https://github.com/ressio/lazy-load-xt Lazy load XT (fully featured version) * http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload
Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them. This is opposite of image preloading http://www.appelsiini.net/2007/6/sequentially-preloading-images …
Using Lazy Load on long web pages will make the page load faster. In some cases it can also help to reduce server load. * http://www.datatables.net/extensions/scroller/
Scroller is a virtual rendering plug-in for DataTables which allows large datasets to be drawn on screen every quickly. What the virtual rendering means is that only the visible portion of the table (and a bit to either side to make the scrolling smooth) is drawn, while the scrolling container gives the visual impression that the whole table is visible…
* http://www.datatables.net/release-datatables/extensions/Scroller/examples/se...
DataTables' server-side processing mode is a feature that naturally fits in with Scroller perfectly. Server-side processing can be used to show large data sets, with the server being used to do the data processing, and Scroller optimising the display of the data in a scrolling viewport…