I have been working on SkipTo.js replacement to the decades old "Skip to Main" link as a way of meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks requirement. It is in use at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign and Chicago. It is also being used in the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices. I am hoping there is more widespread interest in using it for meeting the WCAG Bypass Blocks requirement.
SkipTo.js uses the landmark region and heading structure of a page to create a menu of navigation options and an outline of the content on a web page. The user now gets both information on the main sections of a web page and also a more efficient way to navigate to the content using the keyboard.
I was wondering who in the MediaWiki community I could talk to about in exploring the possibility of using SkipTo.js as a replacement to the current "Jump To Content" link at the top of each page.
SkipTo.js is an open source project using the BSD license, so it is free to use and modify, as long as the original attributions are included in any modifications.
Here is a link to more information on SkipTo.js: https://skipto-landmarks-headings.github.io/page-script-5/index.html
Here is the GitHub repository: https://github.com/skipto-landmarks-headings/page-script-5
Here is the CDN to the skipto.min.js script: https://skipto-landmarks-headings.github.io/page-script-5/dist/skipto.min.js
Thank you for your help,
Jon Gunderson, Ph.D. CWAP
Web Accessibility Advocate
Open Web Accessibility