You should stick around, but you should also understand that your request isn't something that Wikimedia is likely to deploy since it doesn't meet the needs of a significant part of the Wiki*-using community.
Right. But I thought the relation of effort to usage is important, (not only the quantity of usage) and mine has a very low effort to implement (measured in needed real-time), because the things already exist and only needs to be put in, IMHO. (BTW, I explicitly know at least 4 other guys on wiki (and this is by chance, I started no search), which also like to see my feature/aim implemented -- even here people supported it)
Instead, since this is a tool *you* want, you should look at creating a tool that meets your needs. Since a few other people have expressed
I don't call for an SVG-editor. These are other people here, which think I should! :-( Please, don't tell me what I need to have to want (my needs are), I think I can decide for myself best myself. :-/
I want to keep in principle everthing for mantaining/administration of SVG-files like any other text-page-namespace here (storage-philosphy/version-control/diff/editing/...)!
If you think editing SVGs should be simpler, then I suggest that the
I think editing (as a minor point) should be as every text-namespace here, not impossible online (all other text-namespaces are simple editable) like now, not explicitly handled different (less/worse supported). Thus you miss the point.
I dislike to insult, but one should ask why permanently people don't realize that I don't call for a SVG-editor. They mix up *their thought/idea* with my (different) aim as if they don't read/understand what I had writen and then claim I would request the other feature. This happened starting with the very first message to this topic here. Sorry, to have blamed the big majority of responses now. :-( I'm really nearly up to resign frustrated because of this pschologic missbehavior here.
Nevertheless, regards Achim
[Sorry Mark for sending you this twice]
On 7/16/2012 6:00 AM, Achim Flammenkamp wrote:
Right. But I thought the relation of effort to usage is important, (not only the quantity of usage) and mine has a very low effort to implement (measured in needed real-time), because the things already exist and only needs to be put in, IMHO.
It seems to me that if you are convinced this is so simple, you should be implementing this, not trying to get other people to implement your idea.