On Thursday, May 15, 2014, Ryan Lane <rlane32@gmail.comjavascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','rlane32@gmail.com');> wrote:
Will Labs no longer have the same authentication as the rest of the tooling? Is this something that will be solved before the switch?
Wikitech-LDAP-Labs-Gerrit remains untouched in the first switch to Phabricator (what we call Day 1), which aims to task/bug management tools: Bugzilla, RT, Trello, Mingle.
Still, we need to have a good plan in mind, latest for the code review migration. I just created a related task at http://fab.wmflabs.org/T338
So far, it seems that the only solid 3rd party candidate to be considered is GitHub. Task created at http://fab.wmflabs.org/T337