- The modifications Wikinvest made to MediaWiki are not GPL (this isn't
requirement of the GPL license) -- although, we're interested in giving back to the community. It was so helpful to have this great platform (MediaWiki) for us to build on and we'd love to contribute some of the stuff we've built on top of it back. There's a bunch of stuff we've
on top of the platform -- anyone have any suggestions for what we be useful to others? Of the stuff we've built, what do you guys want and think would be useful to the project?
Of course, if you are right and there is no _requirement_ to release your code, that doesn't stop you from doing so if you choose to, and the community would be grateful, I'm sure. The site has a lot of nice functionality, and a beautiful skin, but I would need to dig a bit deeper to be able to make any recommendations about things that might be useful elsewhere. My glib reaction would be 'all of it!' :-)
OK... not everything we've done modularizes very well, and the realities of capacity would mean we'd probably need to start with one component and move from there. And, some stuff (like the charts) probably doesn't make sense for anything but a stock wiki that has a stock data feed, so it probably doesn't make sense to spend a lot of time turning that into an extension. Anything in particular that people see that would be *most* desired so we'd be able to prioritize?