Daniel Mayer wrote:
--- Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen@gmail.com wrote:
I agree that the privacy policy is there for all users, anonymous or not. WE do not log what people read. We leave that to our respective governments.if they care to. My question is what the added value is to adding more cruft to each and every article people read? What is the added value? I do not think that adding all kinds of everything to every page is a good idea. I prefer a clean crisp look. I prefer that all relevant information is readily available from apropriate pages like a help page, a user portal..
The point is that many sites *do* track where specific IPs do on their sites. We need to tell readers that we don't do that - that we respect their privacy.
-- mav
Hoi, If that is your point, you do not adress mine. My point is that we do not need to say this on every page viewed. It is cruft that we can do without. I agree that we need to tell our readers. Doing this on every page is excessive. Thanks, GerardM