Thanks, Brion, for updating LanguageEt file, but it seems that my patch was not OK after all. There are problems with namespaces on et.wikipedia and et.wiktionary now... quick fix would be welcome. People panic... (actually, right now they are having some bad dreams).
The problem: {{ns:4}} gives "Wikipedia" on et.wikipedia, should be "Vikipeedia". On wiktionary it gives "Wiktionary", should be "Vikisõnaraamat". No such problems occured on my test wikis (I think LocalSettings.php saved me somehow).
I'm not sure I'm getting it right this time, so someone please have a look, is this the problem? --
The file contained lines NS_WIKIPEDIA => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_WIKIPEDIA_TALK => $wgMetaNamespace . '_arutelu',
I guess it should be:
NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, NS_PROJECT_TALK => $wgMetaNamespace . '_arutelu',
instead? I can't do any testing at the moment -- can't reach my office computer.
If the fix above is not enough -- I see some Languge files contain
if($wgMetaNamespace === FALSE) $wgMetaNamespace = str_replace( ' ', '_', $wgSitename );
LanguageEt doesn't. Should it?
Also there are problems with showing dates (monthnames or abbreviations)... but first things first. Please help!