I couldn't find a forum to ask for help other than this one (although I am aware that it might be somewhat off-topic, sorry, I am desperated after 2 days of unsuccessful trials right now).
I downloaded the english version of the whole wikipedia-history (some 10GB) and installed it in a MySQL-database. The data is present. I can access it by e.g. "mysql -> SELECT old_title FROM old;" or with a perl-script that opens the database via DBI, executes any SQL-script and get the results on my screen. On this side no problem. What I can't access is the actual (uncompressed, human readable) content of the old_text-column itself. It's compressed, ok. I got that from the php-source of mediawiki. But what's wrong with the following code?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT old_title, old_text FROM old"); $sth->execute; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { if(defined $row[0]) { print $row[0] . " "; } if(defined $row[1]) { my $a = uncompress($row[1]); # dummy variable print $a . "\n"; } }
$a is not defined after this call. If I implement another possibility of Compress::Zlib like:
sub decompressText { my $d; my $status; my $out; my $out2; ($d, $status) = deflateInit(); #-Level => Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); $status == Z_OK or die "INIT failed\n" ; ($out, $status) = $d->deflate($_[0]) ; print "STATUS " . $status ."\n"; $status == Z_OK or die "DEFLATE failed\n" ; ($out2, $status) = $d->flush() ; $status == Z_OK or die "FLUSH failed\n" ; if(defined $out) { print "DEFINED.\n";} if(defined $out2) { print "DEFINED2.\n";} my $z = $out . $out2; return $z; }
I just get decompressText(old_text) to be the binary-stuff I got with the simple SELECT-statement without any (de)compression at all. According to the perldoc both failures indicate that the uncompression wasn't successful.
So my question is: how do I uncompress "old_text" in the table "old"????
Please, please help. I tried it for 2 days and I am pretty sure the error is obvious.