On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 18:26:50 +0000, Alison Russell alisonrussellireland@hotmail.com wrote:
help would be appreciated!! I am stuck at the section Configure The Wiki - Initial Wiki Configuration.
I am at the stage of starting the web and database servers by running the start.bat file in the folder UniServer3_2. Is that all i have to do? I don't understand the bit about start.bat w mysql in the document. Running the batch file does open the web browser re-direct page, but then when I try to open localhost/wi/config/index.php I just get "Page cannot be found" error message.
Any ideas? I've checked for log files for any clues, as suggested by troubleshooting section, but they haven't been created yet.
Also I am not sure about the HTTP TCP Port section and how to check if another Apache.exe is running(both referred to in the document).
"start.bat w mysql" is for your command prompt or as a line in a batch file. It will set up Apache (with PHP, Perl) on a new fake disk W: and start MySQL too.
If that doesn't work, run start.bat and go to http://localhost/a/ and click on "Start MySQL Server" on the left. A prompt will briefly pop up and disappear.
Did you extract the MediaWiki source into a directory "wi"? Try going to W:\www\ and find the MediaWiki source code. If you can't find it, no worries; just unpack it to there.