How about these:
$wgStyleSheetPath = "{$wgServer}/style"; $wgScriptPath = "/wiki"; $wgArticlePath = "{$wgScript}?title=$1";
From: "Joshua" Reply-To: Wikimedia developers Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 15:47:01 -0500 To: Subject: [Wikitech-l] Wiki Setup Help
*sigh* I'm a wiki newbie trying to setup MediaWiki 1.10.
My problem is none of the links work. Whenever I click on them it stays on the main page. After reading through the pages it was noted that this problem could occur due to not setting register_globals = On in php.ini. The variable had already been set correctly so this couldn't be the problem.
My sql version is 3.23.58 Apache version Apache/1.3.27 PHP 4.3.4
Here are the steps I took
mysqladmin -u root password 'mynewpassword'
started mysql mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO emeraldwiki@localhost -> IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Then I set my sql part of my LocalSettings file to the following
$wgDBserver = "localhost"; $wgDBuser = "emeraldwiki"; $wgDBname = "mywiki"; $wgDBpassword = "apassword"; $wgDBsqlpassword = "anotherpassword"; $wgDBminWordLen = 3; # Match this to your MySQL fulltext $wgDBtransactions = false; # Set to true if using InnoDB tables
The install.php script seemed to run fine without any problems.
Any pointers would be appreciated. I believe I laid out all the steps I took. I can try to be more clear if needed.
Thanks, Joshua
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