For point1, there is now status badges on change screens. On the dashboard text is highlighted to tell if it's merged/abandoned/wip/private. For point 2, upstream have implemented that which will be part of 2.16. For point 3 they changed it on smaller screens so it would take less space (i think) For point 4 that's already possible, just click "save" and not "start review" On Wednesday, 3 October 2018, 22:56:41 BST, Stas Malyshev wrote:
Some tweaks that I found useful to do for myself in new UI (some can be done custom styles/scripts etc.) and that might be interesting to implement if possible:
1. Color coding of changes on the dashboard: - one with +1 gets green - one with -1/-2 gets red - one that has merge conflict gets its own distinct color This allows to quickly see which items can be reviewed/merged, which ones need work, which need rebase, etc.
2. On dashboard, Owner column gets too wide sometimes. Some names are pretty long and this space would be best used by Subject - which I do want to see in its entirety, unlike the name for which the prefix is almost always OK. In fact, if we could also compress "Status" column somehow it'd be even nicer - "Merge Conflict" message is useful but takes way too much precious space.
3. In change view, sometimes the "related changes" box consumes too much space, you can see it on - it takes almost half horizontal space, despite being way less important than the patch description. It'd be nice to put a constraint on it
4. It would be nice to be able to add people to WIP tasks without moving it to Review status. Sometimes several people may need to cooperate on WIP patch before it is ready to go. Of course, one can add reviwer and then move back to WIP, but it'd be nicer to avoid extra actions.