On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:15 AM, MZMcBride z@mzmcbride.com wrote:
Quim Gil wrote:
Vector is the skin powering Wikipedia and hundreds of Wikimedia sites (and more), and for this reason changing anything there takes a lot of effort discussing and implementing (see Winter, and see several other projects that took so much time and brought so little changes to our users). We don't have design resources for this project, but we don't want to renounce to bring a fresh look to it. We are recycling a skin that already existed, we are filing bugs, and then Prateek, S, and maybe others contribute whenever they have time, motivated by their willingness to see that fresh look arriving to users.
You're kind of defeating your own argument here. You start by saying you have no design resources, then continue on by listing the people who are contributing time and code (which I'd call resources).
I'll try to be clearer. We don't have any *committed* design resources for this project. We are not stopping anybody willing to contribute their own time in our project, writing Blueprint skin patches or in any other way.
Meanwhile Vector is, in fact, in desperate need of design love. Creating a separate wiki and skin is adding to our technical debt, instead of really moving us forward by working on the skin that's seen by hundreds of millions of people. That was my takeaway from Isarra's post.
I will just repeat that today our plan for this documentation project is to improve an existing namespace in an existing wiki, and to use an existing skin that provides the UI we are looking for.