On Friday 14 October 2005 01:30, Brion Vibber wrote:
Sechan, Gabe wrote:
I'm using MediaWiki to create a corporate wiki, and need to allow access to certain pages only to certain groups. I don't see full support for this in MediaWiki as of 1.4.11
There is no support for that in MediaWiki; I recommend you use some other product which suits your requirements.
And why not add it to MediaWiki? *puzzled*
Best wishes,
- -- Signed on Fri Oct 14 10:10:54 2005 with key 0x93B84C15. Visit my photo gallery at http://bloodgate.com/photos/ PGP key on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or per email.
Firefox: What are you trying to tell me, that I can block pop-ups? Morpheus: I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to. -- Skyshadow (508) on 2004-11-30 at /.