1) sql dumps have been updated at download.wikimedia.org - however, the dump of the Polish Wiktionary is no longer available. Why? We need these dumps to update our word indices, see http://pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/Indeks:Has%C5%82a_w_j%C4%99zyku_polskim http://pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/Indeks:Wg_j%C4%99zyk%C3%B3w
2) Are there any plans to develop some sort of interwiki links for Wiktionaries? Apparently something is being done; yesterday [[pl:entry]] pointed to 'entry' on pl.wikipedia.org - today it points to 'entry' on pl.wiktionary.org. Not very useful, esp. since [[en:entry]] still points to -pedia, not -tonary.
3) The PL mailing list wikipl-l seems to have broken down. People complain their messages never get delivered, the list is dead.
It might be a wrong place to post these questions (well, requests actually ;-) In such case please direct me to the appropriate forum.