Another fun project for someone might be autosaving of drafts. :)
Got that more or less done in extension form, but I seem to recall having an inner debate over how best to deal with auto-saving, and handling existing edits in the same session, etc. without flooding the user with billions of drafts.
Why not save two versions - an "autosaved" one, and a "manually saved" one - linked together with identical unique keys, except for a draft_autosaved field. Or something.
Yeah, I was assuming something like what Andrew describes: An internal differentiation between a manual "Save draft" (which overwrites the last saved draft) and an periodic "autosave" (which overwrites the last autosave, and which only does an autosave if something has changed since the last autosave), and under "My Drafts" it could have: * [[Article 1]] - [[Special:My Drafts/saved/Article 1|Saved draft]] [[Special:My Drafts/autosaved/Article 1|autosaved draft]] * [[Article 2]] - [[Special:My Drafts/saved/Article 2|Saved draft]] [[Special:My Drafts/autosaved/Article 2|autosaved draft]]
... or is that just going to confuse people? By causing questions like: "What is the difference between a save and an autosave, and how do I tell which is the most recent saved draft?"
-- All the best, Nick.