Good question but yes has an SMTP server on it. I've confirmed functionality by relaying an email message through it using Outlook.
I'll try setting display_errors to On and see what I get.
Thanks for your help.
Platonides wrote: Seems obvious but... do you have a configured and running SMTP server on ?
Teh blank page is due to _some error_ Your php configuration is such that when an error is found it doesn't reveal anything. More difficult to debug, but more secure as intruders don't know the error message. Perssonally, i'd low it.
"Fred LaCroix" a écrit:
I've got Mediawiki 1.6.6 running on a Windows XP SP2 system with Apache 2.2, php 5.1.4, PEAR's Mail package ver. 1.1.10 and MySQL 5.0.21. This PC is being run behind a firewall and will be accessed only by internal users. The system is up and running and I can login, create new discussions, edit...etc but when I try to "Confirm your email address" by pushing the "Mail a confirmation code" button, all I get is a blank page and no email is sent.
My localsetting.php file contains the following:
$wgEnableEmail = true; $wgEnableUserEmail = true;
$wgEmergencyContact = ""; $wgPasswordSender = ""; $wgSMTP = array( "host" => '', "IDHost" => '', "port" => "25", # 'auth' => false, "auth" => true, "username" => 'wikiadmin', "password" => 'BlahBlah'
For "host" I have tried the ip address of the system, the machine name, smtp.machine name, smpt.machine name.FQDN but no luck.
My php.ini has:
[mail function] ; For Win32 only. SMTP = smtp_port = 25
; For Win32 only. sendmail_from =
Any suggestions that could be offered would be appreciated.
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