Hello Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the 2nd edition of the Wikimedia Technical Community Newsletter! We're excited to bring you a roundup of highlights, news, and information of interest from and about the Wikimedia Technical Community. The newsletter is compiled by staff(s) working on developer outreach.
Read the full April’24 newsletter edition here:
🥁 Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect from this newsletter edition
📢 Action Items
Send in your Nominations for the 2024 Coolest Tool Award 🛠
The nomination for the 2024 Coolest Tool Award is open! Please recommend tools until Friday May 10th, 2024. You can nominate as many tools as you want by filling out the survey multiple times. Submitting multiple entries is encouraged! Visit - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Coolest_Tool_Award#Coolest_Tool_Award_2024 to nominate a tool and for more information on the award & nomination process.
Are you passionate about the intersection of wiki-based collaboration and cutting-edge research? Do you have insights, ideas, or findings to share with the wiki community? We invite you to submit your proposals https://wikiworkshop.org/call-for-hall for presentations, workshops, and papers to the upcoming Wiki Workshop! Additionally the team will be holding office hours to answer any questions about this new track and the submission process. We invite you to schedule some time on Tuesday, April 16 or Thursday, April 25 in the following link- https://calendar.app.google/igcEC3fqTAF8MRDE7. You can also email us at wikiworkshop@googlegroups.com with any questions about the Hall or the Workshop in general.
🚀 Project Spotlights: With the 2024 Wikimedia Hackathon just around the corner, discover everything you need to know about the event format, program details, social activities, and more! Plus, catch up on the success stories from the recently concluded Outreachy Internship Program and gain fascinating insights from the Wikimedia Wishaton.
The Wikimedia Technical Community is large and diverse - it's hard to capture everything. We would love to hear your ideas. Have a topic you'd like us to cover or a story to share? Ideas for future newsletter editions? Please add your suggestion to the talk page https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Technical_Community_Newsletter. We'd love to hear from you!
If you'd like to keep up with updates and information, subscribe to the Technical Community Newsletter:
Until the next edition,