On 12/29/08 1:17 AM, Tei wrote:
http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/ C.8. Fragment Identifiers "Finally, note that XHTML 1.0 has deprecated the name attribute of the a, applet, form, frame, iframe, img, and map elements, and it will be removed from XHTML in subsequent versions."
Ah, but XHTML is going the way of the dodo -- XHTML 2.0 is a magnificent flop that nobody's touching with a 100-foot pole.
For future-proofing we should pay more attention to the HTML 5 working group stuff.
"Note that the collection of legal values in XML 1.0 Section 2.3, production 5 is much larger than that permitted to be used in the ID and NAME types defined in HTML 4. When defining fragment identifiers to be backward-compatible, only strings matching the pattern [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:_.-]* should be used. See Section 6.2 of [HTML4] for more information."
As noted in the other thread, this is not a normative requirement, and given the actual behavior of browsers doesn't appear to be required in practice either.
-- brion