Consider this scenario:
- User A starts to edit section 1 of a page.
- User B starts to edit section 2 of the same page
- User A adds a new section and saves. What was section 2 earlier should now be section 3, but user B does't know this.
- User B saves the section they were editing. There is no edit conflict, but it gets saved as section 2, and user A's work is lost.
Actually, there is an edit conflict, so that scenario should be avoided. Edit conflicts are disabled, however, when A and B have the same user ID, so you didn't get the conflict.
I considered hacking some basic merging into the section editing part, but that was non-trivial, and it seems like a better solution to have general merging code for edit conflicts. In order to merge in case of section editing, one would have to first piece together the section with the older version of the page, and then merge that article with the new one.