Στις 01-07-2013, ημέρα Δευ, και ώρα 16:00 +0200, ο/η Petr Onderka έγραψε:
For my GSoC project Incremental data dumps [1], I'm creating a new file format to replace Wikimedia's XML data dumps. A sketch of how I imagine the file format to look like is at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Svick/Incremental_dumps/File_format.
What do you think? Does it make sense? Would it work for your use case? Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
Petr Onderka [[User:Svick]]
Dumps v 2.0 finally on the horizon!
A few comments/questions:
I was envisioning that we would produce "diff dumps" in one pass (presumably in a much shorter time than the fulls we generate now) and would apply those against previous fulls (in the new format) to produce new fulls, hopefully also in less time. What do you have in mind for the production of the new fulls?
It might be worth seeing how large the resulting en wp history files are going to be if you compress each revision separaately for version 1 of this project. My fear is that even with 7z it's going to make the size unwieldy. If the thought is that it's a first round prototype, not meant to be run on large projects, that's another story.
I'm not sure about removing the restrictions data; someone must have wanted it, like the other various fields that have crept in over time. And we should expect there will be more such fields over time...
We need to get some of the wikidata users in on the model/format dicussion, to see what use they plan to make of those fields and what would be most convenient for them.
It's quite likely that these new fulls will need to be split into chunks much as we do with the current en wp files. I don't know what that would mean for the diff files. Currently we split in an arbitrary way based on sequences of page numbers, writing out separate stub files and using those for the content dumps. Any thoughts?