Thanks for all the replies to my initial post. I still see value in an IM and/or email integration with MediaWiki, simply because both of these communication tools are so much part of people's lives nowadays, and while wikis are strong in supporting collaboration through the jointly created article, they are weak in terms of communication (just have a look at how little discussion there is on many of the discussion pages in Wikipedia, which I believe is due in no small part to the clumsiness of this communication tool). I'll try to find someone to develop this, probably starting with an IM integration as this seems easier.
Platonides wrote:
Steve Bennett wrote:
If i had such free service, i'd set a server doing it for me :P If it's a 'private' service, things gets easier: -Authentication: Use a variable account name as password.
A "variable account name"?
I didn't explain well. If today you need to post by sending an email to, tomorrow to and so on, it's higly difficult to impersonate you (without being a man-in-the-middle, which could catch your password on http, too).
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