"TB" == Toby Bartels toby+wikipedia@math.ucr.edu writes:
TB> I think that you should work out the integration of Magnus' TB> own scheme with the present code, recreating what we had on TB> [[test:]] back then. [...] With fresh blood (you), we can get TB> it straightened out this time, get it running on a big wiki TB> (like [[en:]]) and working for real; then we'll all be in a TB> good position to say «What's still missing?» and decide if we TB> want more extended metadata.
I'd be perfectly happy to do that, but I'd prefer to do it with a syntax and design that's extensible to other metadata. That way, if or when it's endorsed, we can actually *use* the other metadata we think up.
Magnus's design is pretty cool, and I think all I'd have to do is tweak a couple of things to make it work with in a field-value pair context.