I've re-added wikitech-l to the header since it was originally addressed to both and your question and my answer will update them at the same time. And since it's now mostly tech-oriented feedback from them would be nice as well.
A general note: If you're filing a new bug or feature request [0], be sure to check open tickets [1] first ;-)
Right now the purpose / features of the plugin are: * Easy searching of images on commons with autosuggested subjects * Click-and-pick from the results to insert it in the page or post. A WordPress shortcode is inserted into the post ([photocommons file="Example.jpg" with="200" align="right"]) which will be made into a linked thumbnail with hover tooltip when parsed * No need to maintain your posts if a file is moved on Commons, redirects work finen (since there are no paths or <img>-tags hardcoded * No need to download/upload locally * Promote Wikimedia Commons as an easy-to-use source to add images to your blog or website and avoid people from googling for images and uploading or hotlinking random copyvios.
On March 4 2011, Teofilo wrote:
- I have never used wordpress. What do I need to try wordpress and
your tool as a beginner easily for the first time ? 2) How does your tool attribute photographers ? Can you provide a screenshot showing attribution ? Is the attribution printed on paper when the user prints the resulting page ? 3) Are you using http://wiki.creativecommons.org/RDFa ? If relevant, see my remarks at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Stockphoto.js#.22Use_this_f...
1) Like for MediaWiki, you need a simple local AMP environment (eg. Apache, MySQL, PHP. So install something like LAMP or XAMPP, or get FTP access to an existing server with this).
Then these 4 steps: * Install WordPress from the control panel of your webhost (if you have one) or download it from http://wordpress.org/, upload files, browse to them, follow instructions on-screen
* Right now it's a development plugin, meaning not a plug-and-play for the general public yet, but for commos users and developers to see how it works and how it could be made better. To install the PhotoCommons plugin, check out most recent version from SVN [2] or download zip[3]
* Follow install instructions (unzip, upload to /wp-content/plugins/wp- content, browse to your wp-admin -> Manage Plugins -> Click Activate)
* Create or edit a new page or post on the wordpress site, next to the buttons to upload files locally to your blog there now is a Commons icon above the editor. Click it and have fun!
* There's no step 5.
2) Since it is impossible right now to reliably extract such information we have choosen not to attempt to regex, hack, uglify our way out of it one way or another. We are waiting for the License integration project to finish at which point we will be able to dynamically extract this information from the API in a snap and cache it and display attribution and license under the thumbnail. For now we are taking the same approach as the Wikimedia wikis do (slightly better actually [4]), linking the thumnail directly to the Commons file page and the title of the image as tooltip when hovering the thumbnail.
3) We are not, see 2). I'm totally convinced this should be done, and we will as soon as licenses are integrated this will be done.
-- Krinkle
[0] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Wikimedia%20Tools&p... [1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&compone... [2] * http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/tools/wp-photocommons/ * http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/SVN#Check_out * $ cd mywordpress/wp-content/plugins * $ svn checkout http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/tools/wp-photocommons
[3] http://files.wmnederland.nl/downloads/latest.zip
[4] Slightly better in that Wikimedia wikis link to the local cached/ transclusion instead of Commons directly.