Is there any MediaWiki API that could be used for a proper case-insensitive category title search? Or is this still something that doesn't exist yet?
For some context, I'm asking this for a feature request[1] in the Commons Android app that asks for a case insensitive category title search. In case you're wondering where category search comes into picture in the app, adding appropriate categories for an image is part of the upload flow.
I wonder that such an API doesn't exist yet for the following reasons:
A) The exhaustive search for such an API wasn't fruitful. The closest we got was using `generator=search` with `srsearch=intitle:$SEARCH_TERM` and `srnamespace=14` (14 is the id for category namespace in Commons). But it's not a proper category search as it is essentially a search for pages existing in Category namespace. See [2] for why it's not a proper category search.
B) I saw "T59302 Suggest case insensitive results when searching for categories to add"[3] which is still open. In particular the comment in the ticket pointed to by [4].
So, is my understanding that an API for case-insensitive category title search doesn't exist correct? Or am I missing something?
Footnotes: [1]: https://github.com/commons-app/apps-android-commons/issues/3179 [2]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T59302#2707969 [3]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T59302 [4]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T59302#3977813
Hoping you're safe, Sivaraam