About https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Engineering_Community_Team/Developer_Relation...
On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:32 AM, MZMcBride z@mzmcbride.com wrote:
In the "Developer offering" section, I see "APIs to extract, publish, edit, and monitor Wikimedia content from external apps and services." Does this mean that your team will be developing new APIs?
No, we will coordinate with the teams developing Web APIs, contributing to the documentation and promotion of these APIs. We will also help channeling feedback received from developers about bugs or missing features related to these APIs.
"Developer Relations" makes me think this is closer to public relations, or marketing and branding for Wikimedia's APIs. I'm not sure that's a good use of resources. Event coordination seems like a much better fit.
"Developer Relations" is a quite standard name for this quite standard function. We can discuss about the name, but what matters is the mission, strategy, and measurement of success of this team as defined in the proposal. Event coordination is part of this work, but there is more.
I see mentions of "Wikimedia Developer Summit 2016" and "Wikimedia
Hackathon 2016" on the page. Has the MediaWiki Developer Summit been renamed? And is the Wikimedia Hackathon the one that takes place at Wikimania or a different one?
About "Wikimedia Developer Summit", see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T104346#1417364. In any case, this is the event planned for January 2016 in San Francisco.
Wikimedia Hackathon is the event that goes after, recently held in Lyon, next one in Jerusalem.
The Wikimania Hackathon is the third major tech event.
Can someone please remind me why dev.wikimedia.org is needed? We have
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_contribute linked from the footer of every Wikimedia wiki as a "Developers" link. If you want a shorter, more memorable URL, can't we just make dev.wikimedia.org a redirect to the "How to contribute" page and be done with it? Any additional documentation and showcasing can be done on mediawiki.org wiki pages. Why all the fuss?
That part needs to be updated. Since yesterday there is no plan for a memorable URL "dev.wikimedia.org". See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T308#1437088, and your comments about this specific topic are welcomed there.