is a proxy popular with Chinese users to circumvent censorship. Unfortunately, not all Wikipedias are accessible through it. I just tried a large sample, and I found that the following do *not* work: ja, ko, zh, mr, th. What happens is that anonymouse redirects the main page of these Wikipedias back to the main page, resulting in an infinite loop.
The brokenness of zh is of particular concern, for obvious reasons.
It might be a unicode issue, but ar, he, ru all work fine. I doubt that is is a bug in anonymouse that affects only certain unicode characters.
I was also thinking that it might have to do with the Korean cluster, but I belive ms is housed there, and it works fine through anonymouse.
I used wget -S --spider to look at the return values of our servers, and I can't find a relevant difference between zh and he, say. However, anonymouse probably uses a special user-agent in order to get a simple page layout; I don't know which one that is so I can't compare what exactly anonymouse sees. Could someone with access to the logs check the user-agent of anonymouse?
Thanks, Axel
The fact that zh doesn't work is particularly unsettling, for obvious reasons.
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