Ben Brockert schrieb:
Wish to receive your proposals for a changed screen layout ......
- how would *you* arrange the screens - proposal for the short text for such a link ? (diff-to-LVR)
is not neat enough
I like the current setup on Meta (why is it different than the setup on en?); this link could be added in before the other two:
- (chng) (diff) (hist) . . m [[page name]]; ti:me . . [[User:]]
([[User talk:]]) (edit summary)
How will this affect server performance? My watchlist is refreshed half a dozen times on a day that I'm not working on Wikipedia, ten times as often on a day that I am. Even if you only store the read state for items in the watchlist, and not all visited pages, that's still over 500 articles (for me).
Thank you for your comments.
Some quick answers:
a) Only 1 update takes place: if your watched page X is changed by somebody else, this notificationtimestamp (= after your last-visit time) is kept in the table watchlist and [optionally, the ENotif is mailed to you (with the link "diff-to-LVR") - this is why I gave the flag the name]. There are no further updates necessary, i.e. there are no further updates to the entry of your watched page X in the database.
b) When you actually revisit the page X, a second update of the watchlist table is necessary to reset the notificationtimestamp. The page X is still kept on your pagelist, but no longer marked with "updated since your last visit". Your visit to the page automatically re-enables the ENotif, so that you will receive an ENotif again on a further changes of somebody else but you, which very suppress - ENotif sends only one mail on the first change.