We have a mediawiki/vendor repository that holds third party libraries. Since MediaWiki core is going to eventually rely on them I have crafted a new Jenkins job (mediawiki-vendor-integration) which clones both repositories, checkout the appropriate patch / branch and run the whole MediaWiki PHPUnit test suite.
The job is triggered when a patch is proposed on either mediawiki/core or mediawiki/vendor but only for the master and REL* branches for now. I have made it non voting.
The job takes roughly 6 minutes that will slightly delay the report to Gerrit.
If the job looks fine. The next steps are:
- make it pass on wmf branches - trigger it run on CR+2
Then, I will be able to phase out the grouped PHPUnit groups and the sqlite installer tester. Long term: have the tests to run using HHVM as well.