Also, how do you accurately profile MediaWiki? I've used xdebug and Kcachegrind to profile scripts before, but it always bothers me because I cannot use xdebug alongside APC or eaccelerator to get results reflective of
Strange, I use xdebug alongside APC. And we use that when we do xdebug profiling runs on cluster.
my production deployment. I know APC and eaccelerator completely change the chokepoints, but it is impossible for me to see what the new chokepoints are! Can you feed MediaWiki's internal profiling output into Kcachegrind?
I'm not sure if there'd be lots of sense there. Of course, one can write compatible trace log, but number of events is carefully crafted to provide with general overview rather than what one would do with kcachegrind+xdebug.
Cheers, Domas
-- http://dammit.lt/ or [[user:midom]]