On 09/04/13 18:20, Quim Gil wrote:
Hi Anubhav,
I have done a first reality check with Chris Steipp, who oversees the area of security and also spam prevention. Your idea is interesting and it seems to be feasible. This is a very good first step!
It would require adding a hook to MediaWiki core, but this could be a small, acceptable change.
I agree. Adding a hook is no problem.
The rest could be developed as an extension of the ConfirmEdit extension.
I'm not sure on adding it to ConfirmEdit. I would develop it as an independent extension, which could then hook into ConfirmEdit or AbuseFilter.
Anubhav wrote:
Create a tool for wiki users to report Spam. A a simple way to train the a Bayesian DB. This should be accessible for any user with the permissions to "undo" or "rollback" those changes or to delete the new page/file. Understanding the metadata(IP, links, user) I can extract from the data (perhaps harnessing other services like blacklists).
I think it would be more interesting if it could be trained automatically. Perhaps by automatically learning rollbacks as "wrong". Maybe there could be a checkbox to "train as spam" when doing a revert, but I would avoid anything complex like "Go to Special:TrainSpam and enter the revision number to mark as spam".
Good luck!