The first video I watched, ski-test, because there was no preview the "play bar" was up very high. When I pressed play, a video-sized box came up and was blank for about five seconds (as other people have reported). It actually overlayed the text, until playback started and then the text "jumped down".
On the second video, test-bunny, playback started more quickly, but the controls didn't seem to work. After I pressed pause, I couldn't press stop -- just pause again (ie unpause). Also I couldn't drag the control along the time horizon bar thing.
Some other thoughts: * The "More..." link should actually say "Options". * The audio icon should presumably have mute/volume control functionality attached to it... otherwise it's a bit confusing. * I don't get what the point of the "still image only" "player"...doesn't that happen by default, still image preview?
cheers, Brianna