Am 25.10.12 19:01, schrieb Platonides:
On 25/10/12 18:18, Johannes Weberhofer wrote:
Thank you, for your quick response; there have been the following items in LocalSettings.php:
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL; $wgMemCachedServers = array();
removing those lines resolved this issue immediately. These two lines didn't have any influence in older versions of mediawiki.
That's odd. If you provided CACHE_ACCEL and you don't really have a cache accelerator which can be used, you should be getting an exception. So not something that "just slows things" (in old versions I think it was indeed silently skipped). Do you have any accelerator installed? Maybe you have one with very little space available and it was spending the time with many misses?
There is the php5-xcache rpm installed. Nothing else. There was no change in the system other then the version upgrade
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