On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 8:36 AM, John Erling Blad jeblad@gmail.com wrote:
Yes I know you can do that, and in fact its what I do right now. The problem is that a few extra chars has a lot of impact in Twitter. A betetr approach would be if it was legal to write something like wikipedia.org/en/123456789 (26 chars) compared to en.wikipedia.org/aid/123456789 (30 chars) or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?curid=123456789 (44 chars). To get around the problem I use bit.ly for a bot, but its a bit stupid to not handle this in wikipedia itself.
This seems moot to me because it's handled in *Twitter* itself. All URLs in a tweet are converted to t.co shortcuts that are twenty characters long (while abbreviated versions of the destination URLs should be shown when the tweet is viewed). More information is here: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce/browse_thread/thread/14d....