2) would this prevent said wiki being eventually merged with mediawiki (under, say wikibooks, or in its own category)?
I see that at 'http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html' they list the Free BSD license as 'compatible' with the GPL, but I'm not exactly sure what that means...
Hello Ed,
MW: MediaWiki is the software and is published under GPL. WP: WikiPedia is the free encyclopedia project WM: WikiMedia is a foundation that host several projects (including WikiPedia).
Right.. I understand the distinction between the software's license and the content's license - but what I was wondering is does the wikimedia *foundation* have a policy against accepting a sister project's content with a different license than the Gnu FDL?
I sincerely believe that the FreeBSD is a better fit for my wiki than the GnuFDL - especially because it can be sublicensed - but hesitate to do so if it would jeapordize having the wiki accepted as a sister project..
Anyways, I'm moving this over to foundation-l, now that I look at it, it seems a better fit there..