About wiki-tables,
I was reading http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki_markup_tables and it seems that what Jocelyn Giraud was mentioning is called "Wookee"-syntax.
I mentiod your name Jocelyn, on that meta.wikipedia-page, please remove it (or let me know) if you don't like that.
1: List-style syntax 2: Extended PikiePikie syntax 3: MoinMoin syntax 4: Wookee syntax <--- 5: PikiePikie syntax
Seems like Tarquin and Jan Hidders already did a lot of work on this. I personally feel attracted to Wookee (just loved it at first sight, not because of any reasoning or real thinking). Any other opninions?
Jocelyn Giraud wrote:
The probleme is that it can be slow to render and need a lot of RAM (may be).
Can someone explain this last remark? I don't see why it (what) needs a lot of CPU and/or memory.
Thanks / Kind regards, Pieter Suurmond